Satan's Tactics Exposed

Satan’s Tactics Exposed

If you know what tactics are being used against you, you will have more power.
Wilcox said that everything in the Book of Mormon can and should be applied spiritually

3 Nephi 3 – There are 2 sections to the chapter
1) A description of Satan’s tactics
2) What you can do to fight them

3:2 Flattery
Doubts ( Everyone has them, its just how you deal with them that counts)
Fear, Intimidation, Threats ( Destroyer)
Lying (Satan is Father of Lies)
Accusing (Satan makes us think that we are accusing ourselves, when it is in fact him)
Persuading us to Yield
3:7 A or B tactic—“ Yield or Be Destroyed” (in fact there are options)
False Testimony – Reversal of Values
Justifying and Transfering Blame

(Side note--I think there are more tactics than this, just these were covered in the chapter. Satan has great tactics, terrible long term strategy. He has power to bruise heels(tactics), but God's power can crush/kill him-WIN (Strategy)

So.. How do we Defend against it?

1)Don’t be Afraid
2)Don’t Listen
3) Pray for Strength (It’s never too late to pray for an escape from temptation or forgiveness, but always better to pray to avoid temptation or strength to fight it)

4) Gather ( The work of the Latter Days is Gathering)
5) Build Fortification
6) Place Guards to Watch
(Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood duty is to Watch over Church always ( D&C 20)
7) Strengthen Weak Areas – Repent ( Satan will attack where you were weak before

8) Exert ourselves in our might to follow chief Captains ( prophets,apostles)

9) Don’t Fight Satan in his territory ( fight him on your turf in the center)

10) Arm ourselves after Instruction of our leaders (Paul-Put on the WHOLE armor of God)

Great Tragedy of Nephites is that they didn’t hold on 4 years to Jesus Christ's prophesied Coming.

They went up and down between righteousness & wickedness in 7-10 year periods

Major events helped humble their civilization and towards righteousness
Day of Light
Gadianton Threat

In our lives, sometimes we just need to HOLD on.
Boyd K. Packer has been known to say “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on”

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